Frequent Pitfalls When Purchasing Tradelines

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Frequent Pitfalls When Purchasing Tradelines

September 29, 2017 pthnw 0 Comments

Make the most out of your authorized user tradelines by avoiding these common mistakes:

1. Having Fraud Alerts or Credit Freezes

Fraud alerts or credit freezes on your account prevent new tradelines from appearing on your credit report. Contact each credit bureau to remove any fraud alerts before adding new tradelines.

2. Not Understanding How Tradelines Work

Understanding how tradelines function is crucial. Without this knowledge, you might be misled by salespeople into purchasing tradelines that don’t suit your situation. Explore resources like Tradelines 101 and educational articles in our Knowledge Center.

3. Lack of Credit Score Knowledge

Know how your credit score works before buying tradelines. This knowledge helps you understand the impact of tradelines on your credit. Use resources such as guides to building credit with tradelines.

4. Judging Tradelines by Price Alone

Price doesn’t always indicate the power of a tradeline. Evaluate how a tradeline will affect your average age of accounts and utilization ratios instead of focusing solely on cost. Use tools like the Tradeline Calculator to determine the best fit for your profile.

5. Ignoring the Relativity of Tradelines

The impact of a tradeline depends on your existing credit file. An 8-year-old tradeline may not be beneficial if your average age of accounts is already 10 years. Assess how a tradeline will fit into your unique credit profile.

6. Relying Solely on Tradelines

Tradelines should complement a mix of different credit types. Besides tradelines, maintain a healthy credit mix with auto loans, mortgage loans, and installment loans. Consider credit repair alongside your tradeline strategy if you have delinquencies.

7. Valuing Limit Over Age

A tradeline’s age often matters more than its credit limit. An older tradeline can positively impact your credit score more than a high-limit, newer tradeline.

8. Testing with Cheap Tradelines

Buying cheap tradelines to test their impact can be counterproductive. This strategy can end up costing more and might lower your average age of accounts. Start with high-quality tradelines that meet your needs.

9. Not Calculating Average Age of Accounts

Calculate how new tradelines will affect your average age of accounts. Even experts sometimes miscalculate, so use a Tradeline Calculator to get accurate results.

10. Not Getting Old Enough Tradelines

Older tradelines are often necessary to significantly improve your average age of accounts. Use the Tradeline Calculator to ensure you get tradelines that meet your needs.

11. Last-Minute Purchases

Plan ahead when buying tradelines. Last-minute purchases may limit your options due to processing times and purchase deadlines.

12. Relying on a Single Tradeline

Betting on one tradeline posting can be risky. Consider buying multiple tradelines to increase your chances of success.

13. Ignoring Debt Reduction

Pay down high utilization debts before buying tradelines. High utilization ratios negatively impact your credit, and reducing debt can be more effective than adding tradelines.

14. Thinking Tradelines Fix High Utilization

Tradelines can improve overall utilization but won’t resolve high utilization on individual cards. Focus on paying down high-utilization cards first.

15. Overlooking Closed Accounts

Include closed accounts when calculating your average age of accounts, as they still impact your credit score.

16. Not Getting Extensions

If you need a tradeline to stay active longer, opt for extensions rather than buying new tradelines.

17. Buying from Unethical Companies

Research and choose reputable tradeline companies. Look out for fake reviews, poor customer service, and unsecure websites.

18. Asking About Average Score Boosts

Tradelines affect everyone differently. No meaningful average boost exists, and individual results vary based on your unique credit file.

19. Seeking Specific Credit Scores

No one can guarantee a specific credit score boost from tradelines. Focus on overall credit improvement strategies instead.

20. Buying Tradelines for a CPN

Avoid using CPNs, as they are considered fraud by the Social Security Administration and the Federal Trade Commission.

21. Assuming High Limits Guarantee Approval

A high-limit tradeline doesn’t guarantee approval for high-limit credit cards. Lenders also consider income, expenses, and other factors.

22. Mistaking Tradelines for Credit Repair

Tradelines add information to your credit report, whereas credit repair removes inaccuracies. Use both strategies together for best results.

23. Having Extremely Bad Credit

Tradelines may not be effective if you have severe derogatories. Focus on correcting delinquencies first.

24. Buying from Unreliable Banks

Choose banks with a high success rate for posting tradelines. Avoid banks known for unreliable postings.

25. Having Bankruptcy with a Bank

If you filed bankruptcy with a bank, tradelines from that bank might not post. Choose tradelines from other banks.

26. Having Collections with a Bank

Outstanding collections with a bank can hinder tradeline postings. Opt for tradelines from different banks.

27. Preferring Primary Tradelines

Authorized user tradelines with age and higher limits are often more beneficial than new primary tradelines with low limits and no age.

28. Forgetting Multiple Credit Scores

Remember that you have multiple credit scores, varying by credit bureau and the type of credit application.

29. Incorrect Address on File

Ensure the address on your credit reports matches the one provided when buying tradelines to avoid posting issues.

30. No Credit Score at All

If you’re “credit invisible” or have had all items removed from your report, tradeline postings might be problematic.

31. Insufficient Credit Mix

A good credit profile includes a mix of credit types, not just authorized user tradelines.

32. Lacking Tradeline Alerts

Set up tradeline alerts with a credit monitoring service to be notified when new accounts are added to your report.

33. Entering Incorrect Information

Double-check your personal information when ordering tradelines to ensure accuracy and successful postings.

34. Being Unaware of Non-Posting Policies

Understand the non-posting policy and follow best practices to minimize the risk of tradelines not posting.

For more detailed information and to avoid common mistakes, consult resources like our Tradeline FAQs and how-to guides on maximizing the benefits of tradelines.

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